Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Remote Treatment: Dr. Liang Saved our Daughter’s Life in Ireland

Chinese translation

We want to take this time to thank Dr. Liang and his wife Sherry. They have been very attentive with us and we’re very grateful.

Our daughter had a severe nut allergic reaction. We had just checked into our room in Ireland when my daughter accidentally ingested macadamia nuts. I instantly took a picture of her tongue and texted it to Dr. Liang. He immediately started working on her. This was a very frightening moment for all of us. Her mouth tongue and throat was swelling up and she was losing oxygen due to constriction of her airways. As we are making our way to the lobby to call an ambulance, I did not have her Epi pen but was able to give her Benadryl. During the time of waiting for the ambulance and Dr. Liang’s first treatments, our daughter swelling was going down. We have so much faith in Dr. Liang’s treatments that we were confident our daughter was going to make it through. He is incredible, he even pulled off while driving to do another treatment. This was a serious emergency and Dr. Liang knew this and he kept on treating her. I’m in tears writing this testimonial because I don’t know what situation out daughter would of been in if we just would of waited for the ambulance. It took the ambulance 30 minutes to get there and it took about an hour to get to the hospital. It also took 3 hours of waiting to get admitted in the hospital, and during all that time Dr. Liang kept checking in with us and doing treatment as needed.

We are forever grateful for him, his wife Sherry and his medicine!!! There is no doctor, no medicine, no hospitals that does what he does!!! Dr. Liang is able to find the culprit of the health issues and treat!!!! Highly recommend him to everyone. He is our doctor of choice. He’s been treating our family since we met him this past summer of 2022. He’s put me back in shape too. My kids, husband know that if they don’t feel good, they instantly have me contact Dr. Liang.

Thank you so much Dr. Liang and Sherry! We love you and are forever grateful! Thank you for keeping our daughter in good health.

Patient Erica Meza

Kin Liang