Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Never Used Nasal Steroid Sprays Again

I have been treated for chronic sinus headaches since 1987. As a physician at that time, I had been examined and treated with all the traditional Western medicine, including taking steroids and nasal sprays for chronic sinusitis. I also underwent ear, nose and throat surgery, but to no avail. By 2006, my symptoms, especially the headaches, were very severe. I underwent allergy testing, including C.T. scans and MRIs, by top doctors at the university where I worked. None of the tests showed any pathology. At that time, I had to take an average of 20mg of steroidal prednisolone daily. A patient friend of mine noticed that my face was turning into a full moon and in conversation she asked me what was happening and if I would mind looking at alternative treatments. I was willing to try any treatment. She gave me Dr. Liang's phone number.

Dr. Liang's treatments have been proven over time in the alternative medicine literature, although not in traditional western medicine. I won't go into the details of his methods here, but I can tell you that I followed his instructions exactly, including what foods to avoid. When he told me that I should avoid certain foods, I realized that these were things that I ate every day, and there was nothing wrong with that, it made me realize that my headaches and sinus infections were occurring after meals. Within two days of the treatment, my headaches and sinus problems were gone. I have not used those nasal steroid sprays since 2006, and have never taken oral prednisolone. in August 2016 (10 years later), I suddenly started to have asthma one day, so I went back to Dr. Liang for treatment. He again found out the cause of my asthma, and it turned out to be an ingredient in the new eye drops used to treat my dry eyes. As you can imagine, after the desensitization treatment, I have been healthy again.

The reason for writing this article is to encourage any skeptical patients, as I had experienced such skepticism in the beginning. However, I have been able to prove that his method is really effective. I would like to share my experience with everyone.

Kin Liang