Testimonial from a Dr. MD
I first came across Dr. Liang in 2006, after all attempts in Western medicine over the years had failed. Dr. Liang used his own method of light and frequency vibration, along with kinesiology.
Needless to say, I have been completely cured. Recently, my wife told me how Dr. Liang could conduct his treatments remotely.
One particular incident I would like to share is when I developed an allergy to an unknown allergen. Dr. Liang remotely informed me that I had an allergy to sushi I had eaten. I vehemently responded that I had never had any allergy issues with the same sushi restaurant for the last six years. He insisted that it was from a sushi restaurant, and that’s when I remembered that I had bought sushi from a different restaurant that week on my way home!
Needless to say, I have stuck to my old restaurant since then. I go by results, and I can tell you that the outcomes have been consistently positive. I encourage anyone reading this to not be overly skeptical just because it is remote. It has worked very well for me.
Thank you.
Leslie A. Bruce-Lyle
MBChB (MD) FRCS (Glasgow) FRCOpth (London)