Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Unbelievable - The Adventure of Cerebral Hemorrhage

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Diet/Los Angeles, USA - Cerebral Hemorrhage Adventures of Mr. Hsu

Diet/the world of mortals/pollutants/negative energies are all around us!

Thanks to the grace of God and Dr. Liang's help and treatment, Mr. Hsu recovered so quickly that even the doctors and nurses at the hospital said it was unbelievable! I would like to summarize the process and treatment of the disease as follows:

Mr. Hsu has many years of high blood pressure symptoms, in August 2017 after the California State Government Highway Engineering Department retired, the end of September back to Taiwan to visit relatives for three months did not take their medication on time, back to the United States, he stayed in his mother's home to take care of his mother who had just been discharged from the hospital, due to jet lag on the one hand, sleep is not good, and at the same time, his two sisters take turns entering the hospital emergency so that he was worried about it, coupled with the need to deal with a lot of roadwork, busy, I forgot to take high blood pressure medication! The evening of Christmas Day, 2017-12-25, at home during a banquet with relatives, cerebral hemorrhage stroke, at first he felt strange left eye, and later found that the speech began to be not fluent, relatives and friends present also found the abnormalities, my son immediately called 911, my son followed on the ambulance, I burned a large handful of incense with my daughter in the Buddha Hall to pray for the mercy of the heavens, and then a thousand kowtows straight to the hospital.

The neurologist at the hospital said that according to the CT-Scan, Mr. Hsu's cerebral hemorrhage was in the center of the brain between the eyes on the left side of the brain, close to the brain stem, and that there was no way for any hemostatic surgery to reach it, so the doctor couldn't stop the bleeding, and had to rely on his own body to absorb the blood stasis, and that if the bleeding overflowed into the brain stem, it would be hopeless. He will die.

It was only later that I realized why the doctor was so pessimistic, because when the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Mr. Hsu had difficulty breathing and had already stopped breathing, so the emergency room put in a respirator before he was saved.

In the emergency ward, Mr. Hsu had a thick breathing tube and a stomach tube inserted in his mouth, 4 IV tubes inserted in both hands, and his body was plastered with heart and lung detection tubes. The right side of his body was immobilized, and his left arm was full of needles that were tied up, so he could only communicate with us with the palm of his left hand, and he made gestures to tell the little children, "Don't cry, I'm not going to die! "I told him that he could only rely on his own will to stop the bleeding and absorb the blood stasis on his own, and that he could only use the Three Jewels to cultivate his body and pray for God's mercy to live to fulfill his vision and mission; one of the medical staff asked me if Mr. Hsu was a voluntary organ donor...? I told him "NO!", and at that moment I was very confident that Mr. Xu would get well.

He was then transferred to the Critical Care Unit (CCU), where a blood pressure machine automatically measured his blood pressure every 15 minutes, and blood was drawn every two hours, he was turned over, and the pupils of his eyes were examined. A CT-Scan of the brain was taken every other day, and there was no sign of expansion of the petechial hemorrhage. An MRI was taken the next day to confirm that the bleeding was under control.

On the morning of the second day of hospitalization, Dr. Liang diagnosedMr. Hsu's condition and found that the negative energy of five viruses had invaded the brain, bone marrow, intestines, stomach, kidneys, and five brain nerves in the brain, and he also found that the negative energy of peppercorns and borax chemicals had invaded three brain nerves, the liver, the bone marrow, the brain cells, and the blood vessels. Dr. Liang arrived at the hospital in the evening. At that time, Mr. Hsu's blood pressure was still high, but 15 minutes after Dr. Liang's treatment, Mr. Hsu's high blood pressure dropped by 10, and then dropped by 5 in another 15 minutes, which made us admire Dr. Liang's medical ethics and skills.

Under Dr. Liang's treatment, Mr. Hsu's condition gradually improved, and he was transferred to the CCU Step-down Unit one week later. Unexpectedly, Mr. Hsu became more and more lethargic, and Dr. Liang found out that the soymilk nutritional milk that he had fed through the nasogastric tube was an allergen, and Dr. Liang asked us to use the "Positive Energy Protector" that he had developed to treat him. Dr. Liang asked us to use the "Positive Energy Protector" he developed to treat every bag of nutritional milk, injection and medication to ensure blood pressure stabilization.

After another week, we were able to transfer him to the general ward. At that time, Mr. Hsu was unable to speak or swallow, and his right half of his body was paralyzed, so the doctor installed a G-tube on his stomach to feed him. God was merciful, and we were lucky to meet Dr. Buckhorn, who was open to alternative therapies, and agreed to allow the nurse to feed Dr. Leung's herbal tea to Mr. Hsu with the G-tube. The next day after the feeding, Mr. Hsu began to show significant improvement, and when he was discharged from the hospital, the neurologist said that Mr. Hsu's brain swelling had subsided by the third week, which normally would have taken three months to see.

After 10 days in the general ward, Mr. Hsu was transferred to a hospital that specializes in neurological and bone marrow injuries. Dr. and Mrs. Liang drove nearly 40 miles to see Dr. Hsu and his wife, who continued to treat him. Within 2 weeks, Dr. Hsu was speaking, swallowing pureed food, and beginning to move the right side of his body.

The rehabilitation team trained Mr. Hsu to walk with a walker. At first he stopped after 5 steps, but when he was discharged from the hospital 7 weeks later, he was able to walk a few hundred feet, and at the end of each training session, the rehabilitation team would tell Mr. Hsu, "You don't know how lucky you are! You don't know how lucky you are!")

In fact, they didn't know that Dr. Liang's weekly acupuncture and negative energy cleansing, coupled with God's mercy and blessings from family and friends, enabled Mr. Hsu to recover so quickly!

After Mr. Hsu returned home, the insurance company provided 6 weeks of home rehabilitation services, sending five different kinds of rehabilitation therapists to help Mr. Hsu adapt to home life. After Mr. Hsu returned home, his blood pressure became unstable again, and Dr. Leung found out that the WIFI in his home was an allergen, and the water source was contaminated with lead, and Dr. Liang dealt with the problem. He could cook and wash dishes with OT (Occupational Therapist), and after vocal training with ST (Speech Therapist), he regained his previous singing level, and he could no longer win at the table games brought by RT (Recreational Therapist), and the social worker was very positive about the progress of Hsu's psychosocial development.

We have never met Dr. Liang before, but we were introduced by Dr. Huang of the Friends' Forum, and Dr. Liang's compassion is really touching. Especially because we are not very well-behaved patients and family members, and sometimes we forget Dr. Liang's instructions, resulting in ups and downs of the condition, but Dr. Liang still patiently guided us and helped us deal with the aftermath of the case, thank you for the grace of the Master, and thank you to Dr. Liang and Mrs. Liang for their healing and care.

Kin Liang